“. . . you will be witnesses for Me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)


“. . . there is not salvation in any other, for there is no other name under Heaven . . . in which it is required of us to be saved.” (Acts 4:12)

  • Covenant

    Statement of Faith

    A modern evangelical creed grounded in the truth of Scripture.

  • Convictions

    Seven key tenets

    We must never compromise on truth with the world.

  • Positions

    On the issues

    Trusting, discerning, and obeying God's will is the duty of every believer.


“. . . disciple all the nations, immersing them into the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit . . .” (Matt. 28:19)


Africa: 156
Americas: 162
Eurasia & Oceania: 180


Africa: 261M
Americas: 243M
Eurasia & Oceania: 224M


Africa: 565k
Americas: 727k
Eurasia & Oceania: 894k


“. . . so we, the many, are one body in Christ, and members of one another—each one.” (Romans 12:5)










“And there are diversities of gifts, and the same Spirit; and there are diversities of ministries, and the same Lord . . .” (1 Cor. 12:4–5)


All the latest news from the CCC, its ministries, and its global mission.

  • The Covenant Christian Coalition Discussed On CBN News

    CBN News reports on the Covenant Christian Coalition in a recent article.

    Read the original article here.

  • Living Water International Is Making A Difference And You Can Too

    The CCC is committed to supporting clean drinking water projects across the developing world and our members are eager to support any organizations that share that same desire, as long as they also share our unwavering commitment to the gospel.  This is why the CCC endorsed Living Water International in 2015.  LWI is an incredible and Christ-focused ministry that since 1990 has completed over 18,000 water projects.  To commemorate that endorsement, the CCC has launched a small fundraiser to support the LWI.  You can make a big impact in the lives of many people who have limited or no access to clean drinking water by supporting this noble cause.

    Click here to visit the CCC's fundraising page for Living Water International and please consider donating—anything helps, whether it be $100 or even $5.  A little bit can make a big difference!

  • Italy's Premier Protestant News Publication Discusses The CCC

    Riforma, Italy's premiere Protestant news publication, has reported on the Covenant Christian Coalition in a piece that discusses internal concerns raised by members of the World Evangelical Alliance about the WEA's seeming shift on important theological and moral issues, as well as its increasing ecumenical ties with the Roman Catholic Church.

    Read the original article here.

  • Christian Today Reports On The Covenant Christian Coalition

    The chapel at the World Council of Churches headquarters in Geneva

    Christian Today published an article on January 17th discussing some concerns raised by members of the World Evangelical Alliance concerning that organization's supposed shift away from historic evangelical positions.  In the article they mentioned the CCC:

    Conservative evangelicals have long been suspicious of anything that looks like too-close engagement with the WCC and the Roman Catholic Church by the WEA and mainstream Protestants. A new evangelical grouping, Covenant Christian Coalition, is seeking to position itself as a conservative alternative umbrella group for evangelicals globally.

    The original article can be found here.

  • Evangelical Churches Launch New Interdenominational Movement

    NEW YORK, United States, Jan. 15, 2018 — A large number of evangelical churches frustrated with the political and theological persuasion of organizations like the World Council of Churches and the World Evangelical Alliance have joined an alternative international ecumenical alliance called the Covenant Christian Coalition (CCC), which was founded in Dallas in 2015 by what was initially a small group of ministry leaders.

    The alliance quickly caught the attention of more conservative-leaning churches in Africa, Asia and South America, which joined in droves. Even though the startup organization began in the Bible Belt of the United States, growth in the U.S. was almost immediately eclipsed by scores of churches and ministries joining in Nigeria, Uganda, Colombia, India and the Philippines, among other countries. The expansion spurred on leaders to draft formal rules in January 2017 and to set up an office in New York for handling all the correspondence coming in. The new rules stipulated an egalitarian leadership structure composed of pastors and ministers from member churches called “councillors.”

    One such councillor from Colombia, Pastor Weimar Lopez of the Evangelical Disciples of Christ Church in Bogota, said his main reason for joining the CCC was to “find brothers with whom to share the cause of Christ.” He was overjoyed to realize that his church was not alone in its desire to be part of a global evangelical movement.

    Another councillor, Pastor Grace Kigozi of Salvation Church of Christ in Kampala, Uganda, said his reason for joining was “to connect, get in touch with, and work together with ministers and ministries whose vision and purpose is to spread the word and together fulfill the Great Commission.” Attempting ministry in Uganda without the support of the CCC seemed like a dead-end to Kigozi: “The greatest challenge faced by my ministry is lack of support and inadequate partnership on my continent Africa that has crippled and slowed the pace of ministry growth and expansion.” The CCC seemed to him to be a sort of panacea.

    Member churches and ministries clearly have evangelism at the forefront of their plans and they see liberal theological developments in the church as one of their greatest obstacles. The CCC’s conservative views and defense of evangelical doctrine have been a magnet for these groups, but have simultaneously given rise to criticism from more liberal detractors who reject biblical inerrancy. Some groups further to the right have been critical, too—rejecting the CCC’s insistence on faith alone as the path to salvation. Yet despite the criticisms from both ends of the spectrum, the organization seems to have struck a chord with a great number of Christians looking for international support for their views.

    (This press release originally appeared on The Daily Telescope)

  • Recently Launched Christian Organization Sets Out to Change the World

    Weimar López is a Pastoral Councillor of the CCC

    BOGOTÁ, Colombia, Jan. 8, 2018 — A fast-growing Evangelical organization called the Covenant Christian Coalition is taking the world by storm and bringing together Christian leaders in dozens of denominations from every walk of life.

    Weimar López, who planted the Iglesia Evangelica Discipulos de Cristo de Colombia church in Bogotá, is a member of the CCC's leadership team and says his reasoning for joining the movement was to "find brothers with whom to share the cause of Christ." Furthermore, he says it was encouraging "[to] realize that we are not alone in this process."

    The CCC is an interdenominational organization that was founded by local Christian leaders in Dallas, Texas, in 2015. In three short years, it has quickly grown to encompass dozens of Christian groups worldwide and is managed by diverse leadership consisting of pastors and ministers hailing from the United States, South America, Nigeria and many other countries.

    The organization though prefers the term "post-denominational" when speaking of itself and its many member churches, emphasizing that while many self-identify as non-denominational and others still prefer denominational confessions, all are united by historic Evangelical and Protestant theology, especially the doctrine of salvation by grace through faith alone.

    CCC leaders are determined to bring greater unity among Protestants, but not in a purely ecumenical way that buries differences — rather in such a way that different confessions are respected so long as there is agreement on foundational matters.

    López had been working for three years to get his church plant up-and-running before joining the CCC and had suffered discouragement, but was determined to press on. "From the moment of my conversion to God, He placed in me a desire to serve in the ministry. I have only seen His Grace sustaining me since then in this work." His Evangelical congregation is now thriving and he has set his sights on bigger things — including participation in the CCC's new worldwide movement.

    Projects sponsored by the organization have sprung up around the world, including orphanages and schools in Uganda from where several members of the leadership team — called the Pastoral Council — hail.

    The CCC has also funded environmentally friendly clean drinking water projects for the impoverished across Africa and South America, but despite these vocational accomplishments, members seem quick to tell people the real aim is evangelism and sharing the good news of Jesus.

    With so many ecumenical organizations in existence, one might wonder what unique purpose, if any, the CCC fulfills, but the leadership is convinced that other interdenominational organizations have compromised their Christian convictions for the sake of lesser things and that the CCC is perhaps the first and only international organization broadly representing convictional, confessional Evangelical Protestants.

    (This press release originally appeared on PR Newswire)

  • Modern Evangelical Creed Unveiled

    Pastor Grace Kigozi is one of the CCC's Pastoral Councillors

    KAMPALA, Uganda, Jan. 11, 2018 — Christian leaders are calling it the birth of a new movement based on old ideas and a new creed. It's an international union of churches, ministries, and denominations called the Covenant Christian Coalition that adheres to evangelical Christianity and the key doctrines that sprung out of the Protestant Reformation. The CCC is perhaps the first largely conservative ecumenical movement that seeks to unite all evangelical Christians. The importance of biblical inerrancy and evangelism are forefront in the organization.

    Churches and ministries all over the world have joined the movement since it first began just three years ago, including large numbers of Pentecostal and non-denominational evangelical churches in South America, Africa, the Philippines, and the United States. The Salvation Church of Christ in Uganda pastored by Grace Kigozi is one such church. “My main reason for joining the CCC was and still is to connect, get in touch with, and work together with ministers and ministries whose vision and purpose is to spread the word,” said Kigozi. He emphasized that only “together [can evangelicals] fulfill the Great Commission that Christ Jesus instructed us to obey.”

    Part and parcel to the CCC is a modern creed called the Covenant. The Covenant is a universal, evangelical statement of faith that outlines the importance of biblical inerrancy, substitutionary atonement, and salvation through Christ alone. It is composed of twelve stanzas all beginning with “We believe…” and is written in broad enough language to include most evangelical Protestants, while excluding various sects and denominations that the leadership fears seek to distort the gospel. All churches and ministries that join the CCC, including Salvation Church of Christ, have agreed to accept the Covenant and abide by the truths contained therein. The Covenant has thus become a key unifying factor in the movement.

    (This press release originally appeared in the Digital Journal)

  • CCC Rolls Out Apologetics Website

    The CCC has just opened the internet's premiere compendium of apologetics resources at www.hehodos.com.

    Hē Hodos is an English transliteration of the Greek ἡ ὁδὸς, which means "The Way". This phrase is used by Jesus Christ in John 14:6 when He tells the Apostle Thomas that salvation and reconciliation with God can only happen through Him (Jesus). It is by its very nature an exclusivist term that Jesus used to categorically deny the possibility of salvation for anyone apart from the forgiveness of sins that only He can bestow. Before Christianity was called Christianity it was called by its adherents "The Way" in honor of this truth (Acts 9:2, 22:4, 24:14, 22).

  • The Entire Bible Through Video And Music

    The CCC has rolled out a website and subsidiary ministry called God's Song that features the entire Bible using video and music, from Genesis to Revelation.  Visit God's Song here.


    “I had necessity to write to you, exhorting [you] to fight for the faith once delivered to the holy ones . . .” (Jude 1:3)


    “And if the one strengthens himself, the two stand against him; and the threefold cord is not quickly broken.” (Ecclesiastes 4:12)

    Give a greater voice to the Invisible Church in less than 60 seconds. Let the world know that your church stands for Christ and God's Word.

    By signing below you acknowledge your role as a senior leader or authorized representative of your church or ministry and your agreement with the Covenant.